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Heap House

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Verfasser: Suche nach diesem Verfasser Carey, Edward
Jahr: 2013
Reihe: Iremonger ; 1
Mediengruppe: Onleihe24
Vorbestellbar: Ja Nein
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Zweigstelle: Onleihe24 Standort 2: Mediengruppe: Onleihe24 Signatur: Interessenkreis: eBook Status: Als Download Frist: Barcode:


The Iremongers have taken up what was not wanted and wanted it. 30% Outsiders, 30% Gothic, 20% Revenge, 20% Escape Clod is an Iremonger. He lives in the Heaps, a vast sea of lost and discarded items collected from all over London. At the centre is Heap House, a puzzle of houses, castles, homes and mysteries reclaimed from the city and built into a living maze of staircases and scurrying rats. The Iremongers are a mean and cruel family, robust and hardworking, but Clod has an illness. He can hear the objects whispering. His birth object, a universal bath plug, says 'James Henry', Cousin Tummis's tap is squeaking 'Hilary Evelyn Ward-Jackson' and something in the attic is shouting 'Robert Burrington' and it sounds angry. A storm is brewing over Heap House. The Iremongers are growing restless and the whispers are getting louder. When Clod meets Lucy Pennant, a girl newly arrived from the city, everything changes. The secrets that bind Heap House together begin to unravel to reveal a dark truth that threatens to destroy Clod's world.


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Verfasser: Suche nach diesem Verfasser Carey, Edward
Jahr: 2013
Suche nach dieser Systematik
Interessenkreis: Suche nach diesem Interessenskreis eBook
ISBN: 9781471401589
Beschreibung: 416 S.
Reihe: Iremonger ; 1
Suche nach dieser Beteiligten Person
Sprache: Englisch
Mediengruppe: Onleihe24